Monday, September 20, 2010


ok, did you know that you can watch episodes of American Experience online?  American Experience is a history documentary series on PBS.  (two strikes against me: PBS + history + me = nerdy... haha) I've watched Jane Austin Movies on Masterpiece Theater on PBS online, but somehow I've been missing out on American Experience! 

Fist one I'm going to watch?

Then maybe: 

1 comment:

  1. I often watch PBS episodes online. Try that - maybe those episodes will be online.

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate this post. "The Polio Crusade" was one I missed, but I am VERY INTERESTED in seeing it because my mother had Polio. She was the 5th person in Texas to contract Polio and I have newspaper articles with her precious five year old body all ravaged by this horrible virus. She was left a partially paralyzed (left arm and right leg).

    Anyway, I love your posts and have enjoyed this visit to your site!!!! Lana C.


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