Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hold tight...

Today my sweet mom is having surgery for endometriosis. It's a disease I know a lot about because I have it as well. My mom and I have always wondered if she had it too. Her symptoms weren't the same as mine, but from things I read it made sense that she might. It tends to show up in families. Even though the causes of endo (endometriosis) are unknown, scientists believe environmental things like chemicals in our homes and pesticides in our foods may be at fault. Who knows what my mom and I were exposed to during our life times.

So today mom is having a hysterectomy, oophorotomy, colon resection, appendectomy and whatever repair work that might be necessary once the doctor sees the damage caused by the endo scar tissue. It has all really shaken my family. I feel confident that this is the right time and that the Lord has His hand in this surgery, but I can see how it has impacted my precious Dad and brothers. But it's funny, boys are different than girls. They don't share their feelings all over the place and lean on others by giving pieces of their emotions to them. How do you help those around you when you don't know how they are feeling? My mom was so strong in the last week, but it was an anxious time for her. My brothers and my dad deal with stress and emotions in their own ways, and the waiting is an anxious time for them. I am such a do-er and a fixer and I search for ways to help- but I think this is the lesson I've been learning lately: God is the ultimate fixer and resolver. In relationships and in my personal life lately I have had to hand over the fix-it belt, and tool box to God. I've had to say, "Okay God, I'm not going to try everything and anything to fix this situation. I am going to let you do your work in your own time." The timing thing is frustrating, but I'm learning that His methods are better than mine. And in the end, He knows the outcome and I don't.

As I'm sitting here in the surgery waiting room, with an hour and a half left in Mom's surgery, I am handing my do it yourself, independent, fixer of all problems attitude over to God.

Lord, Grant us your peace. Please show me the ways I can help my family tonight,
and help me to love them with your strength and grace. Jehovah Rophe, heal Mom's
body, and guide the doctor's hands and eyes tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for the good report about your mom! I'm glad that you were able to already make it home to be with her and the rest of your family! She is beautiful, and you resemble her so much (at least from the picture you posted).

    Merry Christmas, Suzanna!


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